The Future of Home Management
A free-to-use tool that gives homeowners control of their household data and adds speed and security when you sell!
Buying & Selling Homes
All of your home info in one place, with sharing tools for buyers, making conveyancing faster and more reliable. A valuable tool that buyers will love!
Managing Projects
Organise refurbishment projects, document share with professionals and create a valuable record of the work that can be passed on to buyers
Exploring House Histories
Capture and present your home's history with timeline, photos, documents and links to online house history resources

Chimni - the logbook For Your Home
Like a car’s service record, a Chimni Logbook brings together all your property info in one secure place. Combining a secure document store, a data dashboard and links to Government and other supplier services, a Logbook is an essential companion for modern homeowners.
For Homeowners
An online tool to revolutionise how we run our homes. Bring all of your data and real estate details into a single secure environment. From bin collections to planning applications, everything in one place.
For Business
For property professionals, Chimni Logbooks have the tools and functionality to support your business
Estate Agents & Conveyancers
Chimni links direct to your systems, get vendors on board faster, with more accurate briefing, reduced fall-throughs and faster access to documentation
Cut costs and improve customer satisfaction with digital handover packs. Upgradeable and dynamic handover packs are more flexible, faster to produce, and result in fewer post-sale queries
Retrofit Professionals
A Retrofit Plan built into a Chimni Logbook will be the tool by which retrofit professionals exchange information and plan work to help meet NetZero obligations
We use Chimni to manage our own home and also a rental flat we own. Chimni has helped us understand the documents we need to keep and helped us organise our records for both properties.
Peter & Georgina
We keep the information for 15 properties in Chimni. Simple buying & selling is key to our model and we are using Chimni logs to simplify the transaction process by having all our property information always up to date.
Kevin P
Buy To Let Company
We've done two big projects on the house and used Chimni on both of them to capture all the project information and link to the council's planning department. Everything is filed and will be ready if we ever choose to sell.
Jacqueline F
Chimni has become my new 'bottom drawer'. Everything i used to dump in the bottom drawer in the kitchen now gets scanned and filed. You don't see the value till that first time you need to find something and it's exactly where it's meant to be
Annie T